I feel like I have to say “what’s up with me” not just because of being gone for 3 years but because of the absolute shitshow that is 2020.
The family
The husband and I are both employed and working from home. Whenever I start feeling sorry for myself, I remember that a lot of people don’t have that and I can’t be too mopey.
Little Jedi is doing online school. With both of us working from home, it doesn’t make sense to send her to a germ-ridden school. Online school kind of sucks but thankfully LJ is motivated to get her shit done (so she can move on to playing video games afterward).
We don’t leave the house. We get curbside groceries and occasional takeout. Once a month one of us has to go to physical office to work for a day.
Nobody has had a haircut in 6 months. I have to dye my gray roots myself. Without professional grooming, I grew a unibrow that I had to deal with. Nobody is wearing real clothes, just pajamas and sweats (I sort of love that part). No commute (I love that part a lot).
The cats are really confused that the humans never leave. One of them really loves photobombing Zoom calls. My coworkers are pleased for the interruption.
None of us got covid. Hopefully we won’t. We have three friends in their 40’s who did get covid. One ended up on oxygen but not a ventilator, and now has mysterious heart problems that were not there before. There is still wheezing and oxygen level testing for two of the three.
My great cousin-uncle made it to 94 years of age only to die of Covid. Not the way I want to go.
This is no joke. Stay safe.
Well, that’s been a whirlwind of activity. It’s hard to ignore the dishes piling up when you can see them from your workspace. There’s been a lot of home improvement going on in the kitchen and closets. Lots of swearing that the previous owners of the house did not use proper drywall anchors.
Cooking. Oh god, all the cooking. I’ve never cooked so much. I hate it. Meal planning with limited grocery runs is tasking the last of my brainpower. Fridge Tetris is not cool.
So, in the course of home improvement, LJ wants to swap her bedroom with the office. I packed up my old PC in preparation for the move. At which point she stole my desk and my monitor, plopped her PC down, and started up her SWTOR account. Hence why setting back up for swtor is such a production (at the kitchen table as I was evicted from my former gaming station.) Dongle needed because I’m now far from the router and can no longer hard wire in.
Nothing to see here. We are boring shut-ins. But it could be way worse.