Congrats to me, I’ve been poked thrice about giving the internet 5 facts about me. But at least they called me creative. So there is that.
1. I have cat issues. Guys, I have had the shittiest 6 months ever where I had to euthanize two of my three cats that had grown old and sick at around the same time. We now have the remaining cat (6 years old) and a new kitten that is very bitey. They have not been introduced to each other yet. This will be interesting.

2. I’m an attorney. Half of you just said “well, duh.” The other half said “wait, what?”
3. In real life, I pay almost no attention to fashion, other than to avoid being a fashion mistake. Rules for my wardrobe are:
- must be black or match with black
- does not require ironing
- does not require pantyhose
- does not require a strapless bra or any other special underpants
- no uncomfortable shoes
- items that require regular leg shaving are rare
I keep a full “lawyer costume” in my office in case I fucked up my wardrobe in the morning and have to attend a meeting or whatever.
4. I have a Starbucks problem. I have now involved my offspring in this problem. But decaf for little jedi because I’m not a total idiot.

5. I get violently motion sick from things that often involve no motion, such as imax movies. In the past I’ve tried to be stubborn and still do things like play first person shooters. Now, I avoid things like that. If I spend too much time in SWTOR running around in tight spaces (like decorating my stronghold) or swiveling the camera (looking for quest items), I start getting queasy. Usually raiding isn’t a problem.
Now I’m supposed to tag people but pretty much everyone’s been tagged, so I’ll just quit now. I’m one of those people who got chain letters as a kid and tossed em straight into the trash. They’re just baby pyramid schemes.