KOTET Chapter 1: Who are you Guys, Again?
Boys and Girls, it does not pay to be lazy. I fully admit that I stalled out on summarizing chapters around 14ish. Now shit is happening and I don’t remember why. Shame on me.
First, Senya is now our enemy. She betrayed us by taking off with Arcann because she thinks he’s no longer a baddie. Right. I have a vague recollection of that. And she’s determined that he will be redeemed.
But then I hear from Koth, riding in on his spaceship-shaped soapbox, and I have no fucking idea why he hates me. Dude, I didn’t even dump you on this toon.
Vaylin now has a makeover. They’ve gotten rid of the hood-hair-hybrid, no doubt because they’re tired of us complaining about our baldness issues with hoods. However, they’ve traded that for sweet arm tats that I must have. Let the whining commence. Except that adding body tats may encourage more bikini-wearing than we already have, so maybe that wouldn’t be the best idea ever.
On to Chapter 2, where I will try to get in as many “hand/arm” jokes at Arcann’s expense as possible.