The impossible has happened. Little Jedi is tanking on her Assassin (she is a big fan of stealth classes). And she likes it!
We all already know she’s good at it. She is my spawn, after all.
She runs in there screaming “Hey I’m Mr. Meeseeks, look at me!”
We can discuss later whether it’s good parenting or awesome parenting to let her watch Rick and Morty.
With LJ’s already considerable tanking skills, my healing skills, and dad’s pewpew, we attempted a veteran flashpoint – you know, the kind where you are supposed to be able to bring in 4 dps and bullshit your way through it.
We got Maelstrom Prison. It was not bullshit. We had a dedicated healer and tank and wiped. We looked up all the mechanics and were doing what we were supposed to be doing. Still wiped. Multiple times.
Dude, fuck that flashpoint right in the ear. If I get it again, I’m quitting and just eating the 20 minute lockout timer. As it is, we’re now afraid to do a flashpoint on the republic side in case we get it again.