My newly resurrected PC has been tragically conquered by windows updates. I did all the things to get it to live again, even a factory reset. Nope. OS won’t boot. Now, I could bang my head against it for a few more hours but it’s at least 7-8 years old and had boot problems before I mothballed it.
My loss is Little Jedi’s gain. The plan was a new Christmas PC, but we’re moving up the timetable to a new Now PC. I get the hand-me-down (which is only 4-5 years old, lol) and life goes on.
The question is – do we build the PC? Years ago that seemed like a good idea. Now I just want to skip the swearing portion of the day and go directly to “plug it in and boot up.” (If anyone has a recommendation, I’m so ready to spend less money.)
See you on the flipside.