Unfinished Business Still Unfinished
So, yeah, this is my “I’ve been awol here, oops” post. Mostly because lazy player is lazy (and as a consequence, lazy blogger is lacking in source material.)
I haven’t done Chapter 13 or after. I figure it will be pretty fun to blow through chapters back-to-back. No rush.
I have to finish the stupid trooper story. It’s my last one before I get the shiny yellow icon. I’m on Corellia and I just have to damn well buckle down and finish. It’s seriously been months since I created this toon.
If Bioware thinks I’m going to create a new toon for this dark/light crap they can stuff it. It’s taken me this long to slog through trooper and that’s going to be my last true grind. I bought some level 60 tokens for credits off the GTN to solve that problem.
So what am I doing? Raiding. Srs bsns raiding – I mean “ops,” totally ops. Now, I know, there’s no new content, and that really bugs me – but that’s not the reason I raid. I get together with a bunch of people and we have fun and laugh. We talk about bitey kittens and other random stuff.
Because my world centers around the short hours I have to raid weekly, I’m building up sets for my alts so they can raid too. Hello, lockouts, my old friend. Also, hello “holy shit I have no mana ever” sorc changes, wtf. I’m looking seriously at other healing options (and gearing them up).