Austin Community Cantina
I went to the Austin Community Cantina last night. I didn’t take pictures. I didn’t take notes. I didn’t ask questions prying for new information. The “real” blogs will bring you all the details anyway. Why should I work hard when I have a babysitter, there’s free beer, and I’m not driving?
So, instead of working hard at a “job” that I don’t get paid for, I drank and blathered on and had a fucking great time. In my semi-drunken stupor, I did pull up the Hall of Shame on my phone and showed several of the devs what horrific things people are doing with those fucking bikinis. I did my due diligence trying to rid the world of bad fashion. You’re welcome.
What I learned:
1. Everyone thinks Quinn is a raging asshole.
2. Nobody reads my blog, despite the fact that I’ve been writing since launch and there are so few SWTOR blogs out there, period. Congrats to the 5 of you still reading.
3. I can’t hold my liquor anymore. Yay getting olde.
With that, I’m off to nurse my first hangover in quite some time.