
Quality of Life Improvements for Fashion! I Mean Gear… — 4 Comments

  1. Quality of life improvements don’t get enough love. Me, I’m totally hyped about them changing the graphics for shadows. I have a couple of screenshots that look really nice until you look at someone’s shadow and go WTF are these giant black pixels? No more of that!

    • I wonder if the graphics upgrade (and we get one almost every patch) will include the voss robe NOT clipping my toon’s butt. Ohpleaseohplease.

    • The only problem I have with the shadow thing is every time I see articles or blog posts about it, I always think they are talking about my class and then let me down with graphic stuff…. 😉

      Better graphics is actually nice though!

  2. Some pretty cool stuff coming, for sure. The permanent mood on your character’s face might be kind of cool. I’ll have to play around with that. Of course, as a Master Jedi, I hope they included one for srs bzns.

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