
A Wild Blogiversary Has Appeared — 14 Comments

    • That was kinda early. Last September was when I decided to preorder, I figured I’d reserve the blog name, and it kinda snowballed from there. Fortunately, I got into beta, or I wouldn’t have had anything to write about!

    • Thanks! I’m glad that I could end the week on a positive note after 2 posts of ripping Bioware a new one. I really do love the game and I’m not going anywhere unless things become INTOLERABLE.

  1. Happy blogiversary! That’s a handy feature there, letting you know when that date comes along! I always forget things like that too. Never been married, but I imagine that wouldn’t change anything.

    I also hope you continue to be around for a 2 year blogiversary! 😀

  2. Congrats!! Was so happy when I found your Blog way back when. Was one of the few SWTOR sites not blocked at work! ;p Now it’s a staple of my SWTOR news rotation. Keep up the great work!! Thanks for all you do!!

      • I use the term “news” liberally. To mean information from the game or related to the game. I think I may be addicted to the game. When I can’t be in the game I grave anything from the game. It may be time to step away from the computer…

        Ok did that – I’m back. I’m feeling much better now. 😉

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