Tales Of Fail
Shit that has happened to me in only the last few weeks:
As much as rocket boots are cool, they do not slow down your descent if you jump down an elevator shaft. Bonus points if you’re in a pug and are mocked before rezed.
Sleep dart and corrosive dart have very similar icons. If you use the latter when you intend to use the former, you get a nasty surprise (you popped out of stealth and a very awake mob biting your face off).
Bad purple shit on the floor looks an awful lot like the sorcerer healing circles. Except with extra dying. (So far, the only instance of republic superiority that I’ve found – pretty sage yellow shiny circles are more visible and look less like Stuff To Avoid.)
Being in the wrong lightsaber form is embarrassing. Being in no lightsaber form is quite perplexing when Things That Are Supposed To Happen don’t happen.
This post was just a clever ploy for me to get you to recount your embarrassing tales of fail. Confess in the comments section.