More Demands. Because I’m Important.
Dear Santa Bioware,
I realize it’s early but I’m a special snowflake, so I have extremely REASONABLE demands that I want ASAP. No pressure.
(1) Armor dye slots for low level oranges.
Oh come on, guys, you’re killing crafters here. You can dye almost all cartel items (wearable at level 1) but not the low-level orange items. Those sets are pretty damn cool and pretty popular. In fact, one of them is the infamous Jedi Belly Shirt. If we could dye them, we’d be able to sell them again! Of course then everyone would be wearing said belly shirt but, hey, your newest offerings1 make the Jedi Belly Shirt look downright conservative.
In case you’re wondering, the set I’m ogling for a dye job is the sith dueling leathers.
(2) Hair For All! Nondiscrimination for Aliens!
Why on earth do the new human hair styles not work on mirialans or chiss, or CYBORGS ffs which are basically humans with accessories? There’s no functional reason why they should not. Make it happen, or the RCLU (Republic Civil Liberties Union) will be all up in your business.
(3) More Hairdos
Please! The whole fleet is starting to look like Relaxed Armor Barbie and Elven Archer Ken.
- “Relaxed” anything = LOOKIT MAH BOOBS ↩