My Totally Reasonable List of Demands for 2.1
Hey there, Bioware. Me again. It seems like Santa Bioware has been busily working on my list, and practically half these things are accomplished. Which means they have time for even more totally reasonable demands. Hooray!
1. More Zabrak Hairdos. No, wait, that’s not right. Attractive Zabrak hairdos. You have metrics, or hell, just look around the fleet. You see the same 2 hairdos repeated over and over because we girls don’t dig the receding hairline look. So hand em over.
2. Name changes are all fine and good, but if so many names are taken, that doesn’t do much for us. People who haven’t logged in for over a year should lose their names. Fair is fair. They have had the opportunity to log in at any point during the last year as F2P, and yet they haven’t done it. Clearly they aren’t interested.
3. Let us toss our companions into the customizer. I just want to get rid of Doc’s stupid beard, not change his entire head.
4. Where’s my hood toggle?
5. Body tattoos. Why do you give us invisible shirts and those… lovely bikinis if you won’t give us tattoos to show off?