Dear Santa Bioware
To: Santa Bioware, North Pole Austin
From: Me
Dear Santa Bioware,
I’ve been really good this year and have not given anyone negative fifty dkp minus, even when they probably deserved it. Here is a list of my totally reasonable demands … I mean requests. I’m not saying that the Taun Faun gets the chop if my demands aren’t met, nooooo.
Server Transfers. This needed to happen yesterday.1 What would be well-received by the community is if you gave free transfers based on the months subscribed, kind of like the planned free name changes for subscribers. Let’s say 1 character server transfer for every 3 months of subscription? (Past and going forward.) Then additional transfers via cartel coins. People would love this so much. People would say nice things about it. Even the haters.
After-the-fact Character Recustomization. I don’t care if I have to pay cartel coins for every stinkin hairdo change, or if I have to change it via an out-of game interface, like the char select screen. I want it. People will pay for it. The more options that can be changed (not JUST hair) the better. For example, people may want to species change their toons so that all members of the legacy “family” are the same species. I know that I’d change my cyborg smuggler into a Zabrak to “match” my main now that I’ve settled on a theme.
Preview Match To Chest. Things color match differently. I crafted almost every medium armor pair of boots and gloves for both synthweaving and armormech to match with a certain shirt. It was impossible to know which color would be picked up in the boots, or part of the boots, or whether they would not change at all. Please, let us preview the color matching so we don’t have to try things on and bind them to us, only to discover they look horrid when matched.
Better UI Customization (Hots, Dots, and Debuffs). I am sick to death of croaking because I could barely see the debuff on me. When we have 2 sages in the raid, they can’t tell whose dot is still on the boss and whose has dropped off. Let me individually adjust buffs and debuffs so I’m not squinting at the screen going “what the flip is that picture?”2
Macros. Mouseover macros, and the kind where you can pop items/abilities that aren’t on the GCD before an ability. Do you know what a pain in the butt flechette round is? A big pain.
Better Companion Customization. There are a few things wrong with companion customizations.
- In a word: fugly. Yes, fugly. We need more options or more mix-and-match options (like at character creation.) If I’m trying to get rid of Doc’s facial hair, I don’t need the majority of the companion options to also have even uglier facial hair.
- It is a pain in the butt to find and buy customizations. There’s a vendor here, a vendor there, and most importantly, the vendors are two planets after you get the companion. This means you get more and more attached to their default look the longer they have it, and the less likely you are to be receptive to a change. Or you stop what you’re doing, fly to a way high level planet, just to find a stupid vendor, and then get the hell out of there. We all want individuality and credit sinks, right? Just put all the customizations on one vendor, and put that vendor on the fleet already.
Inquisitor Scars Unlock. You can unlock every option of every race now, via cartel market or legacy. You can’t unlock the decorative sith inquisitor scar options. Pretty please?
Just put all the things in the stocking, thanks. No Taun Fauns were harmed in the making of this list… yet.
XOXO, me.