
Dear Santa Bioware — 10 Comments

  1. Pingback:A Santa BioWare Letter To Best Them All | TORWars – SWTOR News & Podcast!

  2. You forgot something very important.

    Color and Better Outfits! We need to be able to dye our armor or change the color. I am sick of grey and brown! Would LOVE clothing women would actually wear. Can you say Queen Amidala outfits?

    PLEASE, pretty please, Santa BioWare!

    Great letter! 🙂

  3. Please god yes to the re-customizations. My first toon has (seriously I can’t believe I did this) a soul patch. A soul patch! I hate him so much now. I can’t even tell you.

    Also – preview color match is a must-have. I tricked out my Guardian and color matched to my dark blue chest piece and his pants turned TEAL. TEAL! To this day I have no idea where the teal came from.

    • Yeah, the gray-and-black shirt that I picked up on the cartel market turned my boots and gloves RED. Now, I like red, but if it’s just boots and gloves and no red whatsoever in the pants, well, I’m thinking it’s a little silly. I am currently using charcoal-color boots un-color-matched. (Will post screenies later.)

  4. Does it make me a bad person if I’m happy for them to delay server transfers, race changes etc. for as long as possible? I understand why people want them, but… I’ve kind of been liking the consistency in the game world as it is right now. I’m not looking forward to having people randomly disappear from my friends list or acquaintances suddenly becoming unrecognisable.

    I’m in favour of more UI customisation and macros though, even though I’ve got quite used to how it is right now. Mostly I’m just hoping that introducing these extra options might serve to calm down the people perpetually asking for add-ons.

    • The biggest reason for server transfers is the people whose guild imploded (so a lot of people) and who found a new guild on another server, but then had to level up from scratch. I’d like people to be able to grab their old 50’s and bring them into the fold, since these are just wasted resources languishing on another server.

    • I know right? I miss Wow + grid where I could make the whole dang health bar light up technicolor if the person had some ick that I could cleanse. The ONLY way I know to make the debuffs and buffs slightly reasonable is to increase the scale of the ENTIRE UI and then resize each individual item back to normal size (but the debuffs would stay big). That is a colossal pain in the ass, and possibly would not help much. After all, it still doesn’t FILTER debuffs. We all get the debuff “you just got bubbled, no more bubbles for YOU” pretty regularly in the normal course of play and it’s a big fat waste to be seeing that as a debuff, and thinking “aaaa must clean… oh never mind”.

      And this is the biggest reason why I’m playing DPS in this game. The end.

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