Scavenger Hunting. FYI, I Fail.
Unlike last time, I’m actually doing this world event. Well as much as I can before I go on vacation. I’m a little pissed off that it’s gated because then I definitely won’t finish by the time I’m leaving – and it will probably be over when I get back in a week.
Anyway, Dulfy’s guide in hand, I set out to find all the things.

The most fun was when I was following some dude… people who spacebar through the cut scenes would be totally screwed in trying to find this guy. Oh, wait, there are guides. And I used them because, let’s be honest, I suck at directions.
So there he goes… UP…
Um… crap. I alt tab out to Dulfy’s guide which cheerfully says:
So the bounty hunter climbed up..See those crates there? Take a climb!
Take a CLIMB? As if it’s that easy for someone so jumping-impaired as myself. Gulp…

I did manage to vault up there and while it was not on my first… or seventh… try, I didn’t have to yell downstairs “Hey Honey, can you make this jump for me?” so I was not too embarrassed. Until I saw some chirpy asshole scoot up there on his first try like he was a monkey. Haet.
As for rewards, I wasn’t too impressed. I don’t need bowcastthingys, I don’t give a crap about mounts or pets, and fashion-wise I already have a sand people outfit.
I was so wrong to dismiss the sand people outfit! It may be the same model as the original, but it color matches so much better. Less chiquita banana, more badassery. And on the republic side, seeing a color, a real color that isn’t brown or tan or brownish tan, is pretty nice.

The main thing I got to do during this event that I don’t normally do is that, whilst searching for random crates, I wandered around on my speeder through various levels and eventually bumped into the imperial side of things. “Bumped into” being code for “ahhhh holy shit they are AFTER ME!!”
How are you liking the world event?