Theoretical DPS
Things I don’t miss about WOW:
- Meters
- Cookie cutter specs, where if you don’t use it, you FAIL
- Highest theoretical DPS
Seriously, I may kick in the crotch the next person who talks about highest theoretical DPS. This concept is ridiculous because it assumes we’re all automatons (or 22 year olds with the reflexes of a coked-out ferret) and will PERFECTLY execute whatever it is. We will never have lag. We will never miss a debuff dropping off. We will never mismanage our mana/energy/photontorpedoes and run out at a crucial moment. Nope. PERFECT.
Well that’s just BULLSHIT. I’m a person, not a theory. And things just don’t work that way. I’m not saying that I need an easier rotation and that I will automatically do better with that, because I’m incapable of the theoretical DPS perfection. I’m saying that different people click with different specs and styles. Something that is difficult for you might be easy for me, and vice versa.
Let me give you an example: in WoW, cat DPS is generally considered to be difficult. There are bleeds to manage and energy and combo points and self-buffs and debuffs and… well you get the idea. However, cat and I always clicked. When I read my first cat raiding guide, upon hitting max level (I think it was 80 at the time), I was just like… oh, I’m already doing all those things, carry on. To me, it seemed so natural. My GM at the time called me a kitteh savant.
Now, shadow priesting? Forget it. In fact, forget anything where I have to string together casts. Even if it’s a 3 button rotation, I will fuck it up. I can’t shadow priest. I can’t boomkin. I can’t elemental shaman. Just terrible.
Enter SWTOR. And as I’m twirling around through the levels with my Sentinel, it is known that Watchman DPS is the raiding spec. Mmkay… So I watchmanned and I was OK. It wasn’t that hard to grasp, but at the same time, I didn’t feel any sort of love.
Due to a bug, I ended up respeccing Combat to try it and, holy shit, it was love. It was like with cat – I didn’t have to really concentrate on where I was in my rotation, I just KNEW. When something interrupted me or knocked me back, I got right back on track and didn’t flail around like LOLWUT? And I kicked some major ass, much more than with Watchman. Sure, watchman may have higher theoretical DPS, but in my hands, Combat has way higher dps than Watchman.
I was reminded of this phenomenon when I was trying (and failing) to do dailies with my smuggler. I had specced scrapper and I was just SUCKING at it. Dying all the time. It felt like I was hitting the mobs with a wet napkin. My companion tank was constantly whining that he was going to dieeeeee – and this was AFTER I re-geared both Corso and Bowdaar. And I couldn’t use a non-tank companion because I needed to be behind whatever-it-is, so I needed a tank to take up the mob’s attention. I always found myself out of buttons to press because it seemed like everything was on cooldown. I just hated it.
So fuck it, I switched to Dirty Fighting. Now, I know that dirty fighting is better for crowds, is more mobile, and doesn’t rely on positional attacks, so it’s already innately much more suited for dailies… but it wasn’t just that. It felt right in a way that scrapper did not. I was specced that way for about 5 minutes and I was already easily adapting to things like not having a gap closer or dealing with groups of various compositions. It was easy. There was no fumbling and pausing like “um, what do I do next?” Oh, and I didn’t die. I pwned.
The point of my dumb story is that if you are sucking at something or you just hate it, ignore the guides and just damn well try something else. It might work!