Being A Good Person Is Not Enough To Be A Good Jedi
As you might have read, my main is now my Jedi Sentinel. I’m playing her as a basically good person… which leads to many dark side choices. Hooray for the Jedi Code.
So far, she’s gotten darkside points for:
- Covering for a friend (who would have bad stuff happen to him if she had not)
- Stating (truthfully) that all the evildoers in a particular quest had been killed (rather than, I suppose, giving a self-important lecture about how revenge is wrong.)
- Failing to be a huge tattletale to the Jedi Council (at least 3 times, by my count)
- Stating she will protect her padawan from the Sith (buh?)
- (Spoiler) Marrying/Kissing/BSOCKing Doc. Now, I get that Jedi aren’t supposed to form attachments but still… Dark side? Really? It ain’t killing an orphan.
I mean… I understand why I’m racking up the dark side points for killing assholes because Jedi are big into redemption and crap. But getting dark side points for doing normal human actions, based on a desire to help (not based on selfishness), that kind of stings. OK, the stuff with Doc, that’s selfish, oops.
I know that Anachan and others have talked about anti-military bias in the available choices. Have you come across Light Side/Dark Side choices that you find difficult, odd, or inconsistent?