Legacy Perks Blathering
So… new stuff is coming via the legacy system, including:
- Unlock combat abilities for other characters via legacy system
- the class’s buff
- a signature spell such as force lightning (Thankfully usable during “heroic moment” only so you could only use it with a companion out – whew!)
- Unlock race/class combos via legacy system
- Improved crew skill abilities purchaseable
- Stuff on your ship (mailbox, GTN, vendor)
- Unlock a “small stat boost”
- A bunch of other social/cosmetic stuff
My thoughts on all this junk in no particular order.
I Was Here First
The legacy system creates a tiered community where people who are there first are privileged and have access to significant benefits.
“On launch day blah blah”
“On the first day of early access blah blah”
“I was in beta and blah blah”
“Well in alpha it was blah blah”
And then you are ready to punch those pretentious assholes in the face because being there first doesn’t mean shit right now. Or does it?
First you have the founder title. Then there are legacy perks that have to be earned by being on the server a long time (well, a long time AND doing stuff during that time, but you know what I mean). Isn’t that just reinforcing that people who are there first are better than everyone else?
Barriers to Entry
In SWG, hitting max level in crafting didn’t mean ANYTHING because you were only as good as your mats. And the mats that were available shifted every week. So if you weren’t here 3 months ago to harvest that awesome blahblah iron, your stuff will never be as good as the stuff made by the dude who was here 3 months ago and did harvest the blahblah iron.
See where I’m going with this? How can I, as a normal just-hit-50 Jedi Knight, compete with a Jedi Knight who, due to a an alt, has the smuggler buff too? There would be a long haul to catch up.
And, when there’s an advantage to be gotten… the high-end raiding guilds will want it. Especially the “small stat boost” because a buff is a buff. These perks will become “mandatory” for the hardcore weirdos out there.
What if you want to play with a friend on a different server? Nope, no perks. You start from scratch. Not only your character from scratch, but your legacy as well. That’s a major deterrent to mobility. Unless you want to shell out extra money for a transfer. Yay..?
Things That Are Generally Dumb
I get that people want to play all the races, and to a certain extent that works. Why not have a Mirialan bounty hunter? Or a Rattatouille smuggler? Sure, that makes sense.
But it seems a little strange to see a bunch of tentacled sithies wandering around on the Republic Space Station. Yes, you’re a special snowflake. Get their canon-violating red heineys off my damn space station.
Oh right, I won’t be on the space station. I’ll be in my ship with my mail and GTN terminal. I won’t have to interact with you peons. You know, I was in beta…