
More Jumping And Falling And Failing — 6 Comments

  1. Well, the Super Mario-ing was only equivalent to World 1-1, not world 7-3, but your Force Leap of cheatery was pretty awesome.

    • Doc’s pants have never been a problem to remove. In fact, it’s difficult to keep him from stripping down in the medbay all the time.

  2. MSPAINT is the ultimate medium for conveying any kind of situation or thought accurately. You know how many screenshots it would take to get that across? You’d need a video. Or you’d have to draw on the screenshots with MSPAINT. Or you’d need at least two whole screenshots of before and after! Much more complex.

    That’s really awesome though. I didn’t even think about the idea of dueling to get to places that would otherwise be difficult to access! Brilliant advice!

    • The husband runs a lot of “datacron” nights for his guild where those who are good at jumping end up getting to the wherever first and then harpooning people up there (he has a lot of troopers.) Sometimes it’s necessary for datacrons that are accessed via a crack in the wall and the big hulk-type body types (males 3 and 4, not sure about females) can’t get through.

  3. Thanks for the tip about dueling to get to datacrons! Didn’t think of that before 🙂

    As for falling.. well, every time I have to restart the game client when I’m doing a Flashpoint (because of graphical glitches), and I log back in my character falls through the instance floor (because it didn’t load fast enough, or something) and DIES.

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