Links, Blogroll, and Emailing Me
Stuff You Should Read
One of my guildmates posted about Sage healing on our guild blog. Wait, you’re not already subscribed to it? What’s wrong with you?
See, a lot of our guildies are bloggers – and those who don’t have their own blogs like to have a platform for when they want to make an occasional post. It’s definitely not the kind of “guild blog” that announces what we killed when we killed it. We write about normal bloggy-things with only the occasional “guild news” post.
While I’m Learning 2 Sentinel, I’ve found this post on the official forums very VERY useful. But I’m always looking for more things to read if you have suggestions.
And I’ve been obsessed with fashion for both my sentinel and smuggler lately, so imagine my rejoicing that there is a Smuggler Fashion Show thread on the official forums. All the pieces are fully-moddable (orange), so most of them work for sentinels too (except smuggler quest rewards that are unobtainable by non-smugglers).
Mah Blogroll
I updated my blogroll to prune blogs that are inactive. And I am always looking for new fun blogs to add! So holler if I missed yours.
Email and the Contact Form
Every so often, my inbox gets the bright idea that messages submitted through the contact form are spam. Sigh. If I don’t answer you, it probably got caught in spam. If that happens, or if you find contact forms annoying, you can always just email me at njessi [at] hawtpantsrepublic [dot] com.