You know how I said I was customizing all my companions? And how I wouldn’t ONLY IF the kits were so disgusting that I couldn’t stomach it? That happened.
Apparently, it was too much to ask to get rid of the mustache on Doc.
Apparently he has to have facial hair of some disgusting sort on most of the customization kits. Unfortunately, the previews are small. Also unfortunately, I was throwing up on my mouth for some of them.1
I selected the least-hairy of the bunch on principle, just to have a kit. I put it on and just… no. Total no.
So I’ve got default Doc now. I’ll live with the mustache.
Next up is Lord Scourge who looks fine to begin with.2
However, he has these doodads on his little face-tentacles, and when he talks the doodads move around and stretch his tentacles and I cannot stop staring.
The customization kit I picked fixes this distraction and gives him awesome lip rings to boot!
But the rest of the kits weren’t godawful. Well some were…
Note: I don’t have a picture of Kit 1, which comes from the Ilum security key vendor. It’s a very dark-skinned guy with a blond goatee. ↩
Having been badgered into reading some of the star wars novels, I did a little fangirl SQUEE when I got Scourge because I actually knew who he was. ↩