
[Spoiler] About The Female Trooper Romance Option — 11 Comments

  1. I think that’s kind of awesome 🙂 I don’t know how to do the spoiler blacking out thing sorry, but making all sorts of cat jokes in the non-blacked-out section underneath the highlighted text kind of gives it away anyway.

    He’s very grumpy, but I thought it was kind of cute when he sounded so taken aback when I gave him that military history artifact. Like, “A gift for… me? Really? Wow, that’s very… unexpected. And thoughtful. Hmm.”

    I think he could grow on me.

    • Well, regarding spoilers, I did a poll and people REALLY did not want a truncated feed. But I also did not want people to have to highlight EVERYTHING. So I figured copious warnings, as well as a spoiler tag in the title, would help people avoid things they did not want to see, without being overly burdensome.

      As for spoilers in the comments… well if it’s on a SPOILER ARTICLE then of course spoilers will be in the comments. I made sure to nuke the comment excerpts in the sidebar so nobody will accidentally see anything they don’t want to.

      Hopefully that is enough. I really want to preserve the experience for those who want it while at the same time not censor myself in writing about things that strike my interest. After all, in time, a lot of these “Spoilers” won’t be spoilers to a good chunk of the playerbase that has already gone through the content. And some people (like me) don’t care about spoilers and will read it anyway 🙂

      In short, I’m ALWAYS open for suggestions on how to improve the blog’s spoiler hiding technology, while not making life too difficult for the feed reader crowd.

  2. While we’re talking about romance options, I am really not sure about
    Torian Caldera for Bounty Hunter females. I would rather romance Mako than a Justin Bieber.

  3. The trooper has weird romance options all around. Male Troopers get Miss Quotes-Regulations-At-Me. X_x WHY CAN’T SGT JAXO BE A COMPANION! I actually enjoy talking to her! /cry /sob /weep

    • So does my husband. He’s super-pissed that he’s a tank so he’s always stuck with Elara. He says 4X sounds like Calculon.

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