This Is Madness [Sparta Joke Here]
In my neverending quest to find a class that I like that is more useful in a raiding situation than being the second marauder (being the first marauder is fine, the second is overkill), I started up a sorcerer. I already have a jedi sage about which I feel meh – but I never specced the shared tree. Guys, madness, seriously, madness. SERIOUSLY.
So you are thinking “dots are booooring.” Sort of yeah. But here’s the skill that is the awesomest, and it’s appropriately called Madness. Channeled force lightning no longer has a cooldown. Spam spam spam! That awesome ZZZZZZT line from your fingertips – that’s your FILLER ability. For sages, that’s just an extra hail of pebbles, snore. But for Sorcerers, it’s All Palpatine All The Time!
My sorc is, of course, evil (after I made my assassin goody-goody). The story is very different this way. I also couldn’t resist shocking Andronikos when he was yapping about something-or-other. He found the experience objectionable, the whiner.
Butts are being kicked, names are being taken, and all of Alderaan trembles at my purple sparkles of lightning!