The Last Dye Recipe: GSI Reputation
As you are well aware, I made it my personal goal to get all the dye recipes in the game. So I did dailies after dailies, week after week, in quite unpleasant areas, and did it! Or so I thought.
Somehow, it escaped my notice that there is a dye recipe available at the GSI rep vendor (gray/red, the opposite of Makeb’s red/gray). And you need legend rep for it. Ugh. I am, by the way, at rep ZERO because I had never bothered to do these quests when Makeb launched since I was too busy focusing on raiding.
But hey, I survived Voss (yuck) and legend with Section X (double yuck) for the sake of fashion, so how bad could this be?
So bad. So very bad. Mind-numbing, soul-crushing tedium that made me want to quit after the first mission and unplug my PC after the second. I finished 4, and I suspect I will never do another.
Those stupid ground probes take FOREVER to find anything, and then it’s an inch-by-inch repositioning to get it right, finally.

The binoculars are just as lame – usually requiring more travel and standing at the very edge of ledges that a person has no business standing on. It goes without saying that I died to the gravity boss (more than once).
Sing it Darth Meatloaf one more time: I will do anything for fashion, but I won’t do that.