Treek The Awesome (Quinn Is So Fired)
I just got Treek, and so far I’m pretty happy. Although, honestly, I was about to slap the shit out of that droid that kept calling her “it”. No, droidbrain, you’re an “it”. Treek is a “she”. Get it right.
I very much like Treek. The main reason I wanted her was as a healer to replace Quinn, and she has delivered on that. Her healing is strong and she doesn’t seem to overuse attacks when healing needs to be done. But when she does attack, she throws grenades.
Coolness factor is great. The animations are cool. The sounds are cool. And she doesn’t whine. The little voice is so freaking cute, but her little trash talk is also a refreshing change of pace from Quinn’s cringing routine.
A few other things that are actually relevant to questing:
She does heal a little in her tank stance. There is a very minor trickle of healing during the battle, which is not going to make or break any encounter. However, she does heal both of you completely up between battles even when in tank stance. Considering that one perk of having a healer companion is lack of downtime, this can be a serious WIN for questing. I leveled my gunslinger with a tank companion, even after I had a healer companion, because it was strategically the best combo. Downtime was annoying. If I were to level a sniper right now, Treek would be my companion of choice.
She does not have standard healer companion cc. All the other healer companions have a carbonizing or zapping channeled CC – which has saved my butt on many occasions when used strategically. However, I don’t need CC all that often, and I actually end up turning it off sometimes on Mako or Quinn to prevent the idiot companion from spending all the time trying to carbonize weak enemies rather than healing my butt. I can see using the mostly-retired Quinn at some point if I truly need that carbonizing stream to buy me some time during a particularly difficult encounter.
Well worth the million credits. I haven’t bought the account-wide unlock yet, but that is the plan, as soon as one of my alts needs a Treek.