
Why Is This Life Day Holiday Different Than Other Holidays? — 5 Comments

  1. It feels like they took the items that would ordinarily have been on the holiday event reward vendor, skipped implementing the event, and just added them to the cash shop instead. That’s within their rights as a nominally subscription-optional game, but it’s certainly not the message I would have wanted to send to my loyal customers about what to expect going forward in the first post-F2P patch.

    That said, I’ve been a bit surprised at how low prices are for even the most expensive cartel items on the GTN. I earned 6 million credits last month through slicing (selling the mission unlocks) and daily quests*. I’m not aware of any item that I couldn’t purchase for that price – only a few that go for multi-millions period. There are stories of people spending hundreds of really world dollars on cartel coins, and I would have expected the items they were chasing to command in-game currency prices that far exceed a few days’ worth of daily quest rewards.

    *- Not an excessive amount of daily quests, mind you, I earned approximately 480 daily comms (I know this because I started with zero, purchased one relic for 300, one earpiece for 120, one barrel for 8, and around 50 left over) during that time, which is fewer daily quests than it sounds like because some of those came from flashpoints and some dailies/weeklies award multiple comms. Dulfy reports that you can theoretically pull down more than that many comms every single week.

    • While it is very possible to, in the regular order of business, grind a crapload of credits and buy all the stuff you want out of the holiday THING, it’s FAR MORE FUN to be doing the fresh minigames associated with an event to get event items than the same old shit you do every day.

  2. Honestly, I’m kind of glad they’re not going all out with holiday nonsense… I feel wearied by the real-world-holidays-disguised that every other MMO piles on us; they feel fake and cheesy. Why do all these fantasy worlds have identical celebrations to ours at identical times?

    So honestly, I find it a breath of fresh air that SWTOR isn’t trying to do Space Christmas. 🙂

    • I’m OK with space christmas! Usually I’m like “blech, holiday themed, blech.” But at the same time, I want an *event* and I don’t really give a crap what it’s tied to. The last 2 events were so FLIPPIN COOL. People LOVED them. So right now I’m OK with space-christmas because I’d be OK with space-anything as long as there were an event. Space-beerfest would be nice.

  3. I don’t know, I feel kind of ambivalent about this. On the one hand I agree that it’s kind of lame that this event is entirely restricted to the cash shop. It’s not that I wanted another event token grind really, but the least they could have done is put up some seasonal NPCs or decorations somewhere I guess.

    On the other hand… I agree with Siha. It’s Space Christmas. The less I have to think about it, the better.

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