Hutts, You Say?
For those of you living under a rock1 SWTOR has announced that we can start preordering the next expansion and I am all over that. Preordering today, yo. Not so much because of the early access2 but because I’ll probably forget to do it later, so I might as well just add it and then forget about it.
“But,” some might say, “QQ do not want to pay money, QQ subscribers should get everything for free, QQ want to use my cartel coins…” To that I say SHUT UP. Mostly because I’m a jerk, but also because… it’s $10 for a full expansion. There are new levels (fully voiced!) and a new planet. My friends in WoW also pay a subscription AND pay for each expansion – and it’s a hell of a lot more than $10 to prance around with pandas.
If you weren’t already convinced that you need this expansion, I made an awesome promo poster. In fact, the art department should hire me right now.