
Free To Play, Because Everyone Else Is Talking About It And What The Hell Else Should I Talk About? — 5 Comments

  1. Pingback:SWTOR Goes Free to Play « Inquisitor's Roadhouse

  2. I’m dealing with it … poorly. I alternate between intense bouts of crying, shitting myself, and mumbling incoherently. Other times, I seem almost normal and positive; F2P isn’t the end of the game, right? I mean, it’s a new beginning, right?

    Then I start with the crying and the shitting and the mumbling.

    So yeah, I’m handling it poorly.

  3. Will people who raid right now choose to forego raiding instead of paying for it?

    I do have to confess that it has at least crossed my mind. I do enjoy TOR’s raids, but my guild hasn’t really run any in a month due to losing a couple of key players and everyone being a bit apathetic. Yet at the same time I’m still enjoying the game just as much as I’m levelling alts and doing warzones.

    It does irk me that my sub would go from buying me access to a great game to buying me access to some perks that I may or may not use.

  4. Pingback:TOR Reporter Episode 42– Free-to-Play Announced: Keep Calm and SWTOR On!

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