
Little Jedi’s Adventures Playing SWTOR — 6 Comments

    • The good thing is that she can’t read yet, so even if pervs are being foul in general or sending her whispers, she won’t know the difference. Once she can read and actually use chat functions, we’re going to have to be more vigilant.

  1. Before my youngest could use chat, back in WoW, I kept having to tell her, “Don’t follow other characters around. It makes them nervous.”

    Then she tried to chat with people . . . random letters in the chat window. I’d come to the computer, see what was happening, and apologize to whomever was getting really mad at this crazy chat.

    After she learned to read and write somewhat, she would strike up conversations with strangers, which led to the rule “You may not talk to other players or join groups or guilds.”

    I also used to take her out of as many chat channels as I could get away with. If her character was on my main’s server, I’d invite her characters into the guild where I was an officer, then take her out of guild chat, putting a memo in her guild note to that effect. (In this way, the guild tag acted as a sort of protective umbrella, and having her out of chat meant she couldn’t bug the guild members any more than they would have to worry about her presence.)

    In SWTOR, I don’t worry about the chat, because it’s positioned up at the top of the screen, so my now almost-9-yr-old really doesn’t look at it. (Too busy looking at the action bars.) I haven’t explored turning off chat channels yet, but I suppose I should take a look . . .

  2. Your Little Jedi cracks me up with her grand adventures in trying to be just like her parents. XD Impressive job with getting herself a guild invite there!

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