Quality Of Life Changes Just Keep Happening
The newest patch notes for 2.8 were posted. Some good, some bad, and some we already knew were in the works from the “summer of swtor” announcement. But here’s the big flippin deal:
Players who are defeated in an Operation now have the option to spawn inside of the instance when all other players in the group are out of combat.
Can I get a hell yeah? Those two ridiculously long loading screens that I have to sit through directly after a wipe are mocking me – Haaa haaa, you failed, now you have to sit here and stare at a status bar… bwahahahha. Making wipes less time-consuming will allow for more attempts, but possibly fewer stealthy pee breaks. “Sorry guys, I was stuck at the loading screen.”
Other things of interest:
Serendipitous Assault and Focused Retribution Relics no longer activate from both dealing damage and healing within the same rate limit.
Come on, you knew they would fix that eventually. Now the highest level of those relics is always the best, period.
Adjusted Dread Master Tyran’s [sic] Inferno ability to make it more friendly to melee characters.
Oh hey, now that I’m not raiding with my melee toon, you decide to make this encounter more melee-friendly? Not that it matters, considering all the other unchanged melee-unfriendly encounters that still remain. Boooooo.
Anything in the patch notes interesting to you?