Site Redesign
Way back when I started this blog in 2011, people generally browsed on a giant desktop or a teeny phone. Some people had tablets, but not all that many. So this website, as was the case for most websites at the time, had 2 vastly different themes: the super-flashy desktop version and the spartan phone version.
But times have changed. In the last few years, my family has gone from a zero-tablet family to a 2-tablet family, one of which is a mini. My dad got this weird giant phone that is bigger than a standard iphone, but smaller than a mini-tablet.
In short, people are browsing on all different types of devices of all sorts of weird sizes. This website redesign is not meant to change the look and feel of the site (because it looks very close to how it looked before) but is meant to adapt to all these different device widths and capabilities.
If something isn’t working, let me know (or just comment).