Patch 2.4 According To Me
Yeah yeah, you’ve all seen the patch notes, but these are the awesome things that I care about. So they are more important.
New Operations. This is a big one for me, because I was getting a little tired of the 2 that we have available. Also, nightmare modes of the same old crap aren’t really that awesome. They’re just wipefests on the same thing that you’ve seen for months. Boooring.
New Dailies. I could use a new daily area. Ever since getting max rep with Makeb, I have zero motivation to run those anymore, leaving me with just Czerka to fill the void. I love that Czerka only requires solo quests and the rest can be filled with the group finder, and I hope these dailies are the same way. I absolutely despise cobbling together 4 strangers out of general chat to do the Section X weekly.
Cargo Bay In the Cartel Area. Hawt. It will be a very convenient place to hang out with the GTN, cargo bay, and image kiosk all in the same place. And now that it’s a rest area, no penalty to just log out there.
Belsavis Transporters Linked. This was one of the reasons I hated questing in Northern Belsavis – because once you got up there, you were stuck there until you were done with the damn planet. If you used QT back to civilization, it was HELL to get back to the quest hub. It was transport once, ride through angry Esh’ka to the next transporter, transport again, get eaten by some other creature, drive to quest hub.
Dye Lore And Low-Level Orange Gear. I knew the lore gear was coming, because it was mentioned on the forums, but I was pleasantly surprised about the low-level orange gear. This is going to be great, but not so fun when I swap out my outfit (again) and need to… re-augment.
GTN Improvements. Remembering item information you don’t have to put in the price and duration every time? Yes please. Also sorting by price-per unit will be super-useful.
Treek Conversations Fixed. OK, I confess, this I didn’t really worry about. I got so excited that Treek was NOT Quinn, I hadn’t noticed that she was not actually speaking to me. But now that it is fixed, I want to hear what she has to say.
Did I miss anything awesome? Let me know!