
Learning To Tank (Har Har) — 8 Comments

  1. Raid tanking isn’t any easier, it’s just that the bosses take longer, so you get to revel in “ooh, DPS isn’t dropping AOEs before I’ve even got in range to establish agro” for more time before, well, going right back to it. Also, tank swaps. I’m doing a great job convincing you to grind out those last 2 levels, aren’t I? (Says the devil that wasn’t online for that particular Kaon run.)

  2. Did you write that raid tanking was easier because of what I said that evening in Kaon? Because if it’s the case, I guess I didn’t explain myself properly. 🙂 Some boss fights are definitively easy / boring, but that’s not the case of all fights. Trasher SM is one I said was boring to MT. It’s definitively an easy & boring to MT, but many fights are not like that, and for Trasher it’s only true of SM, the HM version of the fight is much more dynamic to tank.

    The same can be said of many fights as dps too, some are easy & boring, others are fun and / or hard. Especially as mele dps, many fights you just do your rotation on the boss the whole time with the occasional variant of get out of bad. But sometimes you have to put yourself in front of the boss at the right time and wait for him to punt you to go meet some snipers that you’ll need kill. 🙂

  3. Same here, plus the sentinel lifestyle is difficult to put aside for me. On the other hand I quite enjoyed low level pvp with my vanguard tank! annoying the opponent and making their life difficult, was quite fun!

  4. Just wait till you get to the part where you have to turn the boss because the dps won’t move while popping cooldowns cause the healers are running in background, flailing theirs arms doing god knows what. Or that other fun part where you pray a heals lands as you get to watch your health bar sink ever lower with all your cooldowns blown.

    Did I mention that fight when you have to run sideways in a circle, not too fast but not too slow, while popping interrupts on the boss? Also if you mess up once… everyone dies!

    Tanking is fun times!!!


      • Love it. I have to say, I think I’m done with tanking. And raid leading. Too much work that can be screwed up too easy. That’s not very comforting. If you want to have fun tanking, stick to EV and KP. They are pretty fun instances imo and the mechanics are easier than later ones. Anyways, still loving your column and fwiw, you must be pretty good because with my assassin tank (level 24 with Treek) I do still have to worry about dying. Not to say it isn’t a ton of fun though. And more satisfying than my shadow (28) because lightning. And Dark Ward. Can you believe some people don’t like the DW animation? Commies.

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