I Hate The Voss
I have this irrational hatred of those stupid Voss. In every storyline where I’ve made it to Voss, they’ve pissed me off to no end. Holier-than-thou shitheads, all of them.

I just cannot stand their robotic adherence to their stupid mystics. You know how your mom always said “well if so-and-so jumped off a cliff, would you do it too?” In this case it’s the Voss mystic saying “Hey, I foresee you jumping off a cliff.” And the other Voss says “OK” and goes lemming right off the cliff. That’s a pretty rough approximation of what happened in one of my storylines, that made me just hate the crap out of the Voss. (Incidentally, I later killed the Voss mystic in question, because he was kinda a dick sending people off cliffs like that.)
That was my first experience with the Voss and it has colored all my subsequent interactions with them. If there’s a chance to kill a Voss, I will totally take it. It doesn’t even matter what my character would logically do, or what my companion thinks (yeah, it’s ALWAYS the -10 of shame), I just feel the compulsion to kill the crap out of those smug assholes.

Of course, my smuggler did BSOCK a Voss, but that’s just to piss off Corso. I hate him too.
Look, I don’t want to learn about their dumbass culture or kiss their (I assume) blue asses for the sake of the Republic/Empire. They can just live on their stupid little planet far away from the rest of us, so long as they stay there and shut up.
I hope the Gormaks bite their shiny blue heads off.