Gear Auditing the Minions
Has this ever happened to you?
Dailies Buddy: Oh hey, I have my healer out, why don’t you bring a DPS.
Me: Um, hrm. I’ve been running with Doc for 15 levels now, my DPS are in like lvl 30 gear. Both of them.
Dailies Buddy: Oh… yeah… same. My only geared companion is my healer.
So yeah, all the time. Usually, you find the companion your toon needs, and then you stick with that companion forever and ever… unless you’re in a mini group.
No longer will I be embarrassed by Rusk’s pathetic starter Hoth gear! This weekend, I went on a massive companion-gearup, and it was pretty damn cheap.
Your Resources
- Things You Greed (remember what your companions wear so you can snap up any unwanted gear in raids/instances)
- Your Trade Skills
- Your Leftover Commendations (Voss & Corellia, mostly, if you’ve already outgeared that stuff)
- The GTN (sometimes you get lucky)
All this you can do without pestering any of your guildmates. I’d recommend figuring out the easiest path and prioritizing. For example, don’t actually GRIND commendations. If you don’t have em, then you don’t use em. If you are rolling in mats, great, craft some things. If you have to send out the idiots and wait for them to come back every time, never mind.
You don’t need anything spectacular. Greens and blues of the appropriate level should do the trick for daily quest purposes.
Also, you don’t have to gear ALL the companions!
- Do you really need a geared melee dps and a geared ranged dps? Probably not. You can safely pick one – and pick the one that is easier to gear!
- If you’re a tank, don’t gear either of your tanks (duh) unless you routinely run around in a DPS offspec.
- Finally, consider which idiots have a great crafting or gathering bonus. An idiot with a fantastic bonus should probably not be geared because that idiot should ALWAYS be busy with crafting or gathering. Pick the other idiot of the same role to gear, if possible (except you only get 1 healer, doh).
I was feeling ambitious, so I geared all the idiots. They still all look mismatched and ridiculous. I contemplated giving Doc the Belsavis Prisoner shock collar to zap him when he looks at other women, but I decided that was a little too kinky for a straight-laced jedi knight…