The Mystery Of The GM Time Suck
For those of you following along at home, remember Alex and I are co-GM’s of the guild The Snark Side. And while she held the official GM title on one of her toons, she stealth-promoted me when I wasn’t looking. ARGH! I’ve never been a real GM before so I flail a little.
Now, here’s how it works at Snark Side. We have 2 co-tyrants, no officers, no private officer chat, none of that. People volunteer to take on specific jobs, and they can HAVE em. Right now I do all the website crap and Alex is in charge of recruitment. Iyeri does rostering, Lono and/or Wolfsong lead the actual raids. During the raid, Alex or another person with a second monitor does loot mastering. Alex has volunteered to do banking but if that proves to be a large task, Kris has offered to step up.
As you can see, besides the website (which doesn’t take much time once it was all set up to my liking), I do not have a single other specified job. Despite not knowing what the fuck I actually do, I spend an inordinate amount of time doing it. This is kind of baffling for me, since while I cannot pinpoint the “SRS BZNS GM TASKS” I am constantly doing STUFF associated with the guild.
Do the rest of you GM’s out there feel like your time just GOES?