I Hate Tharan Cedrax
I thought I hated C2-N2’s constant blathering. I thought I hated Risha’s self-absorbed posturing. But Tharan Cedrax is the worst.
Things I Hate About Tharan:
- Holiday. Ok, that’s not technically Tharan, but she’s still even more annoying than he is, if that’s even possible. She’s also voiced by the Risha actor, so that explains a lot.
- Faux-British. I can’t explain how he manages to drift his annoying accent toward the british, but he does. When given a present, it’s “marvelous.” His missions go “swimmingly.” Shut. Up.
- Complaining. Oh dear god, the whining. “I’m a pacifist.” Well that’s nice. You didn’t have to join my fucking crew. I really asked you not to. “Am I going to get a grant for this?” when sent on a crew skill mission. You’ll harvest that green goo and you’ll goddamn like it.
- Flirting. Look, dude… you have a holowhore, that doesn’t make you more attractive to women. His innuendo is about as subtle as “The Todd” or “Ur mom” jokes.
- Condescending. OK, I could chop your fucking head off with my lightsaber, don’t take that tone with me, young man. Your science isn’t that complex, especially since you make Holiday do most of the work. I’m the Pretentious legacy, not you.
So, in the spirit of haet, I decided to punish him with a companion customization kit.