My Ootinicast Interview
A few weeks ago, the fellows at Ootinicast asked for an interview. Sure, why not. We did the interview last weekend and I got an advance copy of the edit the next day.
I couldn’t listen to it. It’s hard to explain but I just didn’t want to put myself through hearing my own voice and cringing for a half hour.
I’m pretty sure it’s a good interview anyway. I got all the dorkiness out of my system before recording. For example:
Chill: So how do you pronounce Njessi?
Me: The easiest is to just say the N is silent. My guildies just call me Jessi.
Chill: Ok.
Me: It’s like my daughter’s favorite joke lately. “Why can’t you hear a pterodactyl in the bathroom? Because the P is silent!”
Hey, 6 year olds love that sort of shit.
Here’s the interview. Enjoy!