Being Selfish And Lazy Because It Is “Just A Game”
There are a lot of things I should be doing. In particular, I should be making the gear on my operative the best possible, min/maxing, and generally being leet. In an ideal world, this would involve:
- Doing more raiding, likely in pugs, to grind ultimate comms
- Doing my weeklies to grind ultimate comms
- Grinding ultimate comms on my alts to buy gear for my main (to smuggle via legacy gear)
- Getting components to get things crafted (properly weighted enhancements, main hand barrel)
- Actually getting said things crafted (which means talking to people, ugh)
- Grinding dailies, on possibly more than one toon, to fund such activities
Note how many times the word “grind” is used in the above list. This all sounds like a huge nuisance, and I don’t particularly feel like it. So I won’t. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still working on my gear, but I refuse to do it in a way I find odious.
Sometimes, all I want to do is level alts and see the story – and I’ll pretty much indulge in that for a while. While it doesn’t outfit my raiding toon, at least it’s blogging fodder. Some companion is always doing something moronic to share. Right now, I’m not really into that – hence the blogging sparseness. There’s not a lot to say when you aren’t dealing with Corso and his restraining order.
Right now, what I seem to feel the urge to do is heal flashpoints. So that’s what I’m doing. There is some benefit to it for gearing purposes, so everyone wins. I make sure to rotate through my healers to at least maximize my comm haul from finishing the 3-hardmode weekly. I don’t like running flashpoints on my DPS, so I won’t. Instead I respecced my mercenary to heal them. If I’ve rotated through my 3 with my operative and sorc, then I’ll resort to my merc. I’m pretty terrible as a merc healer. I find it amusing.
Anyway, there’s no real point to this rambling except that it’s a fucking game and should never feel like a chore. So I’m treating it like a game, dammit, and I’m unapologetic about that.
Having said that, it’s not OK to inflict your lazy and selfish choices on other people. My gear is still more than adequate for the content I’m raiding. If it were not, I would have to choose to either stop being lazy or stop signing up for raids. Other people should not have to put up with an unaugmented snot, even if it’s “just a game.”
In other news…
I recorded an interview for Ootinicast over the weekend. I am far better at writing than speaking, as this interview confirmed. You should listen. Or don’t. Whatever.