Still Waiting for Real Server Transfers
Let’s translate from Bioware Bullshit into English. We never had true “server transfers.” They were mergers. Phased mergers, to be sure, but mergers nonetheless. Now, the population problem has been fixed, enough dicking around, I want real transfers.
The whole damn point of server transfers (as opposed to mergers) is to have the option to play with certain specific friends of your choosing, not to join a bunch of random other people who are also transferred to the same place. I’m mid recruiting for Snark Side, all the while thinking that it would be damn easier if we weren’t limited by the population of our server. True, it’s a very large server, but that is irrelevant to any given person who is not currently on the server and would have to level up from scratch. Some of our guildmates who had high level toons on other servers (pre-merger) and were hoping to bring them all together when we got “server transfers” – they’re shit out of luck because those toons ended up transferred (merged) to other servers.
Recruiting is hard. Lack of server transfers makes it harder. Being a GM super sucks.
Did I mention we’re recruiting? (Seriously!)