A Second 50 (No, I Will Not Heal Your Raid)
I dinged 50 on my smuggler a few days ago.
Now, I did not expect to have a second 50 so quickly because hell, I’m no powergamer. However since I main-changed when my smuggler was already level 38, it didn’t seem like THAT big a haul to get those last 12 levels.
I was filled with a sense of relief and accomplishment and at the same time… a bit of apprehension. See, I am trying DPS for the first time and just loving playing my Sentinel. But I know what happens when you HAVE a healer and the raid NEEDS a healer. You gotta step in or the raid won’t happen. I don’t want to be put in that position. Much easier to say “sorry guys, don’t have a suitable character/offspec” than to be a huge jerk and say “I DON’T WANNA”.
You know what sucks (and this has happened in WoW) is healing progression raid night on your main, and then ending up healing alt night on your offspec because there aren’t enough healers. Alt night is for doing different stuff! Burnout imminent! But, again, I’d be a big fat jerk if I said “I am NOT offspeccing, just CANCEL alt night.”
Fortunately, guild is awesome and understand that, while we need to do what is best for the raiding team and take turns at healing when we are short a healer, that I am not necessarily the only “go to” person for that role just because I’ve done it competently in the past. They understand that I’ve put in my time healing for years and years and deserve a break. Which is why I love them.